Links to local companies near to Crossgates Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast, Pentney

Below is a list of businesses which we feel maybe of interest to you when you stay at Crossgates Farmhouse Bed and Breakfast.

Some of these businesses are also local to us and help to create the community Pentney has today.

Sam Knox Photography

Sam is a local resident and a professional photographer. He has kindly allowed us to publish some of his photos on our site and allow you to enjoy some of the beautful surroundings that we have here in Pentney. More

Energise Pentney Fitness and Spa Ltd - Health Club

Situated in rural Pentney, Energise Pentney Fitness and Spa Ltd is an independent health club with a difference. It boasts a fully equipped gymnasium, heated indoor pool and spacious changing rooms. Fully qualified fitness instructors are on hand working to help those personal goals. More